
object Shorthand

Shorthand extension functions for validating various types.






import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.FC
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.EnumTranslatable
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.Expression
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.Shorthand.validated
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.Shorthand.validatedColor
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.Shorthand.validatedIds
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.Shorthand.validatedList
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.Shorthand.validatedRegistry
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.Shorthand.validatedTag
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedIdentifier
import net.minecraft.item.SwordItem
import net.minecraft.registry.Registries
import net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
import net.minecraft.registry.tag.ItemTags
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
import java.awt.Color
import java.util.function.BiPredicate

fun main() { 
   //shorthand validated Enum. the constant is the default value
val shorthandEnum = TestEnum.MORE.validated()

//Shorthand validated Color. The color values in the Color will be the default color components
val shorthandColor = Color(255, 255, 128, 255).validated()

//Shorthand validated Color from a base color int. The color values in the Color will be the default color components.
//In this example, the color does not accept transparency
val shorthandColorInt = 0xFF5500.validatedColor(false)

//Shorthand math Expression. This is directly in the Expression class itself, not in the Shorthand object
val shorthandMath = Expression.validated("x * 0.5", setOf('x'))


//example shorthand validated list. Shown is an identifier list. Note that identifier lists are actually string lists
val shorthandList = listOf(Identifier("stick")).validated(ValidatedIdentifier.ofRegistry(Identifier("stick"), Registries.ITEM))

//example Number-based shorthand list
val shorthandNumberList = listOf(1, 2, 5, 10).validated()

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic tag validation
val shorthandTagIdList = listOf(Identifier("white_bed")).validatedTag(ItemTags.BEDS)

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic registry validation
val shorthandRegistryIdList = listOf(Identifier("nether_star")).validatedRegistry(Registries.ITEM)

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic predicated registry validation
val shorthandPredicatedRegistryIdList = listOf(Identifier("stone_sword")).validatedRegistry(Registries.ITEM, BiPredicate { id, e -> e.value() is SwordItem })

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic list validation. The list should be complete and available at validation time
val shorthandListIdList = listOf(Identifier("arrow")).validatedList(listOf(Identifier("arrow"), Identifier("firework_rocket")))

//example shorthand validated Identifier using a tag for validation
val shorthandTagIds = BlockTags.AXE_MINEABLE.validatedIds()

//example shorthand validated Identifier using a registry for validation
val shorthandRegistryIds = Registries.ATTRIBUTE.validatedIds()

//example shorthand validated Identifier using a registry for validation
val shorthandPredicatedRegistryIds = Registries.ATTRIBUTE.validatedIds(BiPredicate { id, e -> id.namespace == FC.MOD_ID })

//example shorthand validated Identifier using a list for validation. The list should be complete and available at validation time
val shorthandListIds = listOf(Identifier("arrow"), Identifier("firework_rocket")).validatedIds()


//example shorthand validated list. Shown is an identifier list. Note that identifier lists are actually string lists
val shorthandSet = setOf(Identifier("stick")).validated(ValidatedIdentifier.ofRegistry(Identifier("stick"), Registries.ITEM))

//example Number-based shorthand list
val shorthandNumberSet = setOf(1, 2, 5, 10).validated()

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic tag validation
val shorthandTagIdSet = setOf(Identifier("white_bed")).validatedTag(ItemTags.BEDS)

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic registry validation
val shorthandRegistryIdSet = setOf(Identifier("nether_star")).validatedRegistry(Registries.ITEM)

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic predicated registry validation
val shorthandPredicatedRegistryIdSet = setOf(Identifier("stone_sword")).validatedRegistry(Registries.ITEM, BiPredicate { id, e -> e.value() is SwordItem })

//example shorthand identifier list with automatic list validation. The list should be complete and available at validation time
val shorthandListIdSet = setOf(Identifier("arrow")).validatedList(listOf(Identifier("arrow"), Identifier("firework_rocket"))) 


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Shorthand validated Enum

Shorthand validated number List

Shorthand validated number Set

fun <T : Any> TagKey<T>.validated(): ValidatedTagKey<T>

Shorthand Validated TagKey, allowing any tag in the receiver tag's registry

Shorthand validated Identifier

fun Color.validated(transparent: Boolean = true): ValidatedColor

Shorthand validated Color

fun <T : Any> List<T>.validated(handler: Entry<T, *>): ValidatedList<T>

Shorthand validated List

fun <T : Any> Set<T>.validated(handler: Entry<T, *>): ValidatedSet<T>

Shorthand validated Set

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Shorthand validated color, based on a color int

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Shorthand Validated Identifier using the List for validation

Shorthand Validated Identifier using the Registry for validation

Shorthand Validated Identifier using the TagKey for validation

fun <T : Any> Registry<T>.validatedIds(predicate: BiPredicate<Identifier, RegistryEntry<T>>): ValidatedIdentifier

Shorthand Validated Identifier using the predicated Registry for validation

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fun List<Identifier>.validatedList(list: List<Identifier>): ValidatedList<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier List, validated with a list

fun Set<Identifier>.validatedList(list: List<Identifier>): ValidatedSet<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier Set, validated with a list

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fun <T : Any> List<Identifier>.validatedRegistry(registry: Registry<T>): ValidatedList<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier List, validated with a registry

fun <T : Any> Set<Identifier>.validatedRegistry(registry: Registry<T>): ValidatedSet<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier Set, validated with a registry

fun <T : Any> List<Identifier>.validatedRegistry(registry: Registry<T>, predicate: BiPredicate<Identifier, RegistryEntry<T>>): ValidatedList<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier List, validated with a predicated registry

fun <T : Any> Set<Identifier>.validatedRegistry(registry: Registry<T>, predicate: BiPredicate<Identifier, RegistryEntry<T>>): ValidatedSet<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier Set, validated with a predicated registry

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fun List<Identifier>.validatedTag(tagKey: TagKey<*>): ValidatedList<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier List, validated with a tag

fun Set<Identifier>.validatedTag(tagKey: TagKey<*>): ValidatedSet<Identifier>

Shorthand Validated Identifier Set, validated with a tag